Friday, March 30, 2012

Cancer sucks!!!

I am a  Uterine cancer survivor... It has been four  years Feb 2008 . Was at work on a Sunday  evening, worked at a vacation club, started hemmoraging and blood was everywhere, was very lucky the emergency room was  not even a block away, drove myself there. This was supposed to be a happy time, it was also my birthday week but that changed when I found out it was a tumour that burst on my cervix. The emergencey room dr  was very nice, inserted something to help stop the bleeding , but told me if I start bleeding again to go  to the nearest hospital and also  gave me the name of a dr  that would do the biopsy, however this was Sunday and the appointment that was made was on Thursday. Monday  started  heavy  bleeding once again, went to the nearest emergency room to have a blood transfusion, but was sent home. I  spent  the next three days  on  a couch trying  not to move  and when thursday came after the biopsy started hemmoraging once again this time at the hospital they told me they did not have  enough blood for a transfusion, therefore was transported to the main hospital by ambulance.The happy ending   was that I had a robotic hysterectomy , healing time was quick and also did a round of radiation and it has been four years Cancer free!

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